Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Not so Big Bad Wolf

Adapted from the "Three Little Pigs" story to teach kids not to be judgmental and to always give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs - Polly, Pepper and Pinky. One day mommy pig said, "Little pigs, you're all grown up now. You need to go and build your own home. But beware of the Big Bad Wolf!"

Polly built his house out of straw. It was a pretty house. One day, the Big Bad Wolf came and knocked on the door. "Let me in little Pig," said the Big Bad Wolf. "No way," said Polly. So the Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. "I just wanted to...," but before he could finished, Polly was running away as fast as he could before he became breakfast.

Pepper built his house out of sticks. It was a pretty house. One day, the Big Bad Wolf came and knocked on the door. "Let me in Little Pig," said the Big Bad Wolf. "No way," said Pepper. So the Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. "I just wanted to...," but before he could finished, Pepper was running away as fast as he could before he became lunch.

Pinky was the smartest little pig. He built his house out of bricks. It was a pretty and strong house. Polly and Pepper came to live with him. One day, the Big Bad Wolf came and knocked on the door. "Let me in Little Pigs," said the Big Bad Wolf. "No way," said Polly, Pepper and Pinky together. So the Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed, but he just could not blow the house down. "I just wanted to be your friend," sobbed the Big Bad Wolf.

The three little pigs looked out of the window and saw the Big Bad Wolf crying. He didn't look so big and bad after all, but they wouldn't take the chance. Seeing that he couldn't get in, the Big Bad Wolf left the currant cake he baked outside Pepper's brick house and went home. There was a note on the cake, and it read, "Please be my friend, xoxo the not so big bad wolf".

The next day, Polly, Pepper and Pinky were having a picnic by the river. Suddenly, Pinky slipped and fell into the river. None of the piggies could swim, so Polly and Pepper started shouting for help. "Help! Help! Pinky is sinking!"

The Big Bad Wolf heard the cry. He ran to the river as fast as he could, jumped into the water and dragged Pinky out. The three little pigs were extremely grateful. "Thank you so much Big Bad Wolf. You saved Pinky. You're not so big and bad after all."

They then invited the Big Bad Wolf to their picnic. They had a great time eating, singing and playing. From then on, the three little pigs and the big bad wolf became good friends :-)

Saturday 6 October 2012

Polly Pig wants to fly

This is a story to teach kids about perseverance. It's ok if you don't succeed the first time, you just need to try and try again!

Polly pig is a piggy with big dreams. He wants to fly! But pigs can't fly, that's what everyone tells him, including his very best friend Wolly wombat. But Polly wouldn't listen. He dreams of flying every second of the day - when he wakes up in the morning, when he's having lunch, when's he in school, when he's having dinner, even when he's sleeping!

One day, Polly saw a bird. "Can you teach me how to fly?" asked Polly. Mr Bird looked at Polly and said "Pigs can't fly, you have no wings". So Polly went home and made himself a pair of wings. He climbed up the tree, spreaded out his wings and jumped.... whhhheeeeeeeeee.... opppsss... and plop! Polly fell into a muddy puddle. But he didn't give up. "I must think of another way" said Polly.

The next day, Polly met a flying squirrel. "Can you teach me how to fly?" asked Polly. Mr Flying Squirrel looked at Polly and said "Pigs can't fly, you have no stretchy skin like mine". He stretched out his arms and legs to show Polly his parachute-like skin on the sides of his body. "Wow, I'm gonna have to make myself a glider" said Polly.

So home Polly went and made himself a glider. His first glider was good, but not quite good enough. He managed to glide from one tree to the next before we went plop into the muddy puddle. But Polly didn't give up. He went home and made a second glider. This one was better, but also not quite good enough. He managed to glide from one tree to the second to the third before he went plop into the muddy puddle. But did Polly give up? NO! He went home and made a third glider. Wolly cheered for Polly when he made his third try with his third glider. This glider was good. It was so good that Polly glided from tree to tree without falling. Wolly clapped and cheered! "You're flying Polly, you're flying!"

"Yes yes yes, I'm flying!!! Woo hoo!!!" Polly was very very happy. He was finally flying. Who said pigs can't fly? All the animals came out to see Polly the flying pig. They were amazed. Everyone clapped and cheered. "Polly is flying! There really is a flying pig!"

At the end of the story I concluded by telling H "See, Polly didn't give up right, he tried and tried again and he finally could fly. H nodded.
Me: What must you do if you can't do it the first time?
H: Try and try again! 

Friday 5 October 2012

Lizzie and her Spaghetti Hotdog

Learning about acceptance and self-confidence, i.e. it's ok to be different, you don't always have to conform to peer pressure

Lizzie is a special little girl. Unlike other kids who love hotdogs with sausages in the middle, Lizzie likes her hotdog with spaghetti in the middle :-)

One Monday, Lizzie's school was serving hotdog. All the kids queued up to get their hotdogs from the school chef. When it came to Lizzie's turn, she said "I don't like sausages. Can I have spaghetti in my hotdog instead?"

All the kids looked at Lizzie and giggled. "Spaghetti in hotdogs, now that's silly!"

Lizzie didn't get upset. She just smiled and said to the kids "it's nice if you give it a try" but nobody did. They just continued giggling while pointing at Lizzie's spaghetti hotdog.

On Tuesday, Lizzie's school served burgers with beef patties in the middle. All the kids queued up to get their burgers from the school chef. When it came to Lizzie's turn, she said "I don't like beef patties. Can I have spaghetti in my burger instead?"

Again all the kids started giggling, "spaghetti burger, now that's silly!"

Again Lizzie smile and politely invited the kids to try it. One brave boy stood up and said "I'll try and let you know how yucky it is". He took a bite and grinned... "Mmmmmm... Lizzie's right. It's yummy!"

The one by one the kids took turns to try. "Yes Lizzie's right. Hooray for spaghetti burger!"

On Wednesday and the rest of the week, the kids had spaghetti everything. And they learnt that it's ok to be different, even you should never be ashamed of being different!

After the story I asked H if it's ok to have spaghetti hotdog. He giggled and said "no, that's silly". I guess he's too young to really understand the moral behind the story, but hopefully he knows how to stand up for himself and not get upset if he gets teased or laughed at for doing things differently :-)